Monday, December 6, 2010

Thoughts on the Tax Compormise

I admit the details are not out yet and it may be my bias showing,  but the Presidient always gets me going when he uses the same old catchprases and makes campaign stylke attacks at Republicans.  The election is over. Lead please...inspire...unite....don't keep attacking and posturing.

A few things stuck out for me during his brief statement tonight.

1- He keeps calling cuts "Tax cuts for the richest Americans.  I still have trouble calling these cuts instead of extensions of current rates.  No one's rates are dropping...and no one's rates are rising.  Why do we keep calling them cuts.

2- The President made the comment that he could not allow the cuts to expire as it would cost as many as 1 million jobs.  Well how does he figure that after 2 years of saying people over $200,000 can pay more taxes.  Is he saying that people making less than that are the job creators?  What about those making more?  Don't they creae jobs.  Surely the low income taxpayers are not the ones who would cut jobs if they did not get a tax cut.  I'm confused. 

3- I'm also confused aboiut how we can cut Social SEcurity Taxes by 2% for a year when we keep hearing Social Security is in perilous danger.  Help me here...How is collecting fewer employment taxes not further endangerind Social Security?

Just my view...What's yours

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